Yearly, in addition to online meetings, IBEB and EDC Members have a number of physical events per year. These are meetings with foreign and local guests, presentations, company visits, and discussions on current research and developments, as well as on any relevant business topics.

January-February 2023: a set of tea/coffee meeting. Many members met each other for the first time in the real world, although had communicated for months online.

21st of February. Visit to the Planetarium. We were the first business delegation there, well before the establishment was open to public.

16th of March. Visit to the bbf's Sky Tower to discuss the future of personal finance

30th of May. IBEB members joined the farewell party of BEST INVEST Congress

28th of September. IBEB members were invited to the farewell party of BEST LEGAL Conference

16th of November. Visit to The Island School, a tour and an inspiring conversation with its founder and IT investor Alexander Shkuratov.
January-February: a series of lunches and early dinners in the groups by 5-8 people. In total, during the year I organized 16 gatherings of this kind.

22nd of February. Meeting with one of the most successful foreign businessmen Sergey Kostevitch at Asbis who guided a tour around his scientific laboratories.

21st of March. Visit to The Planetarium, meeting with its founder and maecenas Viacheslav Zarenkov, a visionary person who created a lot of cultural projects in Cyprus.

29th of May. Welcome Cocktail of BEST INVEST Congress

9th of November. Talk of Arsen Tomsky, founder of inDrive.

7th of December. Economic Overview and Forecast by well-known expert and analyst Philip Ammerman.
Two events brought together IBEB and EDC Members:
30th of June. Sunset Party, a regular event to gather EDC and IBEB members before the summer holidays

12th of September. Informal Networking Event.
In addition to that, some IBEB and EDC members were invited to thematic events. Among them: group meeting with the Limassol Mayor, business games by Leon Group, Reflect Fest, GDCy Fest, City of Dreams events, Muskita Aluminum Plant visit, Health&Beauty Forum, Money Pro Conference, RealtyOn Exhibition and Conference, etc